Saturday 26 April 2014

Sewing vs Ready-Made

There are two messages or morals here in this little personal story for the day.........

Many make their own clothes because they simply like to be creative and individual, whilst others sew because nothing off the peg fits - others find it more economical.

On Tuesday, my eldest Granddaughter, Kirsten, asked if a parcel from Melbourne sent Express would reach her within 2 days, guaranteed. I reported from past experience, because she lived out on the South Coast NSW, a very definite NO. "Looks like I'll have to make an outfit myself then", was the response.
Friend's dress-up party to which she wanted to go as a Native American (Indian) was Saturday night and everyone was asked to go as someone with a name commencing with N  A   or T since Nat was her friend's name.

Off to the local shops to buy some "stuff" and out came my daughter's trusty old Bernina 730, not the new model 730, the OLD vintage one. My father gave it to me when I was 19 or 20 and I passed it on to Melinda. I think it was 1964.
Kirsten is 20 and I've now dubbed her Miss 730. When I sent a text reminding her that I was her age when Poppy gave me my first sewing machine and now she is using it, her response is not printable! You wouldn't remember a past Newsletter in which I showed the Year 12 formal dress she made on this same machine a couple of years ago. Melinda sent me these photos thinking I would be proud to see the 730 being used so much. I have their permission to share here.

Two of her friends purchased their outfits online and when received, they didn't fit. So, out came the 730 again and off she whipped around to their house, did the alterations and off they've gone to the party.
After a search on Internet, they found some Indian names.
Inteus (has no shame), alias Bianca, on the left, 
Dichal (speaks a lot), alias Kirsten, on the right.
I wonder if Mr. Bernina would like to hear this story?
He was at the AQC last week in Melbourne, blogs of which will continue here in the next few days.

What do you think are the two morals?

Post below what you think they are 
and I will send a 
Gift Pack of Thread to the selected winner.

I hope Inteus and Dichal are enjoying the party as I type!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Living Colour Textiles at AQC 2014

So VERY many features of the AQC (Australasian Quilt Convention) including 'Great Australian Quilts', AQC Challenge (shown to you over the last few blogs), Ten Years of AQC, Best of the Best, Best of Australia, Kopanang Quilters, Living Colour! A Travelling Textile Art Exhibition, The Rajah Quilt, Quilts made by Jenny Bowker the Rajah Winner 2013 and a display of work from the Tutors for 2014.

Living Colour! A Travelling Textile Art Exhibition of 32 vibrant contemporary textile works is curated by Brenda Gael Smith and was an absolute delight to view all the banner-format works of art on display. The exhibit will be on display at the Creative Textile Show in Canberra from 2nd to 4th May at the National Convention Centre, Canberra. (Punch with Judy will be an Exhibitor too!)  You may like to visit the Living Colour Textiles website to find more details and entries.

Living Colour!  Celebrating Life Across the Spectrum

ORDINARY FOLK are AMAZING by Sue Duffy (Australia)
Sue said, "Birds are like people. There are the bright, the vibrant, the gregarious and the colourful, showy and popular, whom we remember and admire. They are hard to miss, swooping and gliding through life. But then there are the other ordinary folk, quiet, plain and shy. One might pass by the awkward, ungainly, little black cormorants of life, who cannot compare....but wait! Look closely and in the shining sun, you might see the colours there. Under the surface, see how skilfully they navigate! It all depends on your perspective."

by Mathea Daunheimer (New Zealand)

Mathea said, "Inspired by the beautiful, vibrant colours of the birds and foliage found in New Zealand's North Island.

UNFURLING by Annie White (New Zealand)

Annie said, "The complexity of nature is manifest in the unfolding of a simple fern frond. Rising from the depths of the forest floor, through the sun filtered layers of the rainforest canopies, the frond reflects and mirrors the myriad of colours formed by dancing leaves bearing brightly coloured fruits and berries until it glimpses and reflects the blue sky."

".....AND ON THE SEVENTH DAY HE RESTED" by Sandy Corry (Australia)

Sandy said, "The world is an intricate and glorious creation! I am amazed and excited by the spectacular colours that fill it. And at the vast diversity of living things; tiny bugs to flying feathered creatures; gentle giants of the sea to frightening wild animals; and towering forest trees to delicate tiny flowers. Stunning! Unbelievable! This wonderful world is ours to cherish and preserve. It is our playground to explore and delight in."
I know you are enjoying viewing these and I thank Brenda Gael Smith for giving me permission to share my photos with you. You will be able to see ALL of them closeup as they travel around Australia during 2014. This was their debut at the AQC. Remember to visit the Living Colour Textile website for more information.

Monday 21 April 2014

More of AQC 2014 Challenge - TEN

Following my last Blog, here are more finalists in the wonderful Challenge for 2014 at AQC where the theme was simply "TEN" to celebrate the 10th Anniversary Year of the Australasian Quilt Convention (AQC).

I was blown away with the finalists' entries on display and I am quite sure the remainder not displayed would have been a treat to view also, but alas, only so many can be shown.  ENJOY, as I know you are from the emails I've been receiving.


Dale said, "TEN cats in the TEN rooms of the treehouse. TENament represent the perfect 10/10 for me. In making this quilt, much joy has been found in atTENtion to detail and meeting challenges with TENacity. The TENor of my life has often been raised, during the last TEN catastrophic years, by my two 10 year old cats. They have given affection, comfort, inspiration and sometimes irritation when they sit on my sewing! My quilting journey and collection of cat fabrics also began about TEN years ago. Cats leave footprints on your heart and your fabric - to the tenth degree!"
Robyn also told me that she used Inn-Control from Innovative Crafts to pad out the cats and other items making them real-life and most certainly did give a lovely dimension to her quilt.
We ALL know about ten green bottles and the song, well, SUSAN PRICE asked her husband what his immediate thought was when she said "TEN"?  Susan said, "he replied TEN GREEN BOTTLES. Okay, I'll go with that. We laughed and discussed ten green bottles and the theme exploded with the antics of Leprechauns trying to get the ten green bottles off the wall. If you have Leprechauns you have to have a goat, suggested her husband. Why? I said. Because you just do! I googled Leprechauns and modified them to suit my story. Finally the quilt came together. I hope you enjoy my quilt as much as I enjoyed making "Ten Green Bottles". It was fun to make and is a fun quilt.
Susan said "A bold contemporary quilt featuring many forms of TEN dominated by X - the roman numeral for TEN. Specially designed fabric includes TEN in many languages and numerical sequences, reflecting the international nature of convention. The flowers used in the centre of the log cabin blocks and appliqued centre symbolise the window at the Royal Exhibition Building. Central beading represents the meeting of people and exchange of ideas. The TEN theme is continued in the Xs used for the hand quilting."
One of the oldest jokes I remember from my Poppy: "What's black and white and read all over?" Of course, a newspaper!
DIANNE DOWD remembered such when she named her entry as "THE TIMES 10 NEWSPAPER - Black and White and Re(a)d All Over."
Dianne said, "There are TEN main blocks each 10" x 10" made in silhouette black on white with a hint of red, each with a connection to number TEN and quilted in TEN different ways."

Elaine said, "My quilt - we are all expected and heading off to the Stippling's Birthday Bash. We are having cake and are waiting for Mr. Possum and the two Cockatoos to bring the three extra candles to make a total of 10 candles to celebrate 10 years of quilting, quilting, quilting! Music is from our friends in the trees, the balloons are coming with the echidna, the emu and the mouse. Whoops - there goes Mrs. Mouse. Oh what a celebration - 10 years of quilters quilting together having a wonderful time, eating birthday cake and discussing their next quilting project."


Saturday 19 April 2014

AQC 2014 Welcome Cocktail Party

At the Welcome Cocktail Party on Wednesday night, prior to the AQC opening, the tutors were introduced to the Delegates. Proceeding the introductions, we were entertained by acrobats, a wonderful new version of The Time Walk with quilting lyrics just for the AQC, very clever, "Let's Do The AQC Again", plus a wonderful journey of the 10 years of the AQC with clips from past shows.  Gary Fitz-Roy, show organizer and owner of Expertise Events, hosted the evening in his usual imitable style, such a showman.

International Tutors were introduced one by one with their flag shown on the big screen with an appropriate song playing representing what EE thought was applicable for their country. Rosalie Dace from South Africa shown on stage.  Quite fun really.
Each one graciously came up to the stage, smiled and was applauded.

Hilarious Jennie Rayment wasn't content with such, together with Yvonne Brown, both from UK, Jennie came with a Carpet Bag and a chair. When on stage, proceeded to make high tea for Yvonne, who was amazing as the pan-faced stooge - what a comedy act! Rosalie from SA was still on stage, looking on, completely amused.
Aussie Tutors (shown on screen) were introduced, one by one and drew spontaneous ovation.
After tutors were introduced they were asked to dance to the new theme song for AQC.
What good sports they were! That is John Flynn (USA) in the centre, a reluctant dancer.

This was also the announcement of the AQC Challenge for 2014 with the theme "TEN", of course, because this year was the 10th Anniversary of the AQC. Gary coyly smiled saying, with tongue in cheek, that it was quite in depth and took them a long time to decide upon the theme TEN, but I thought how ingenious. I will show you some of the finalists in my next blog.

The Challenge is open to all and must have a 125cm square quilt showing the quilter's interpretation of the theme "TEN". 79 entries were received from Australia, New Zealand and Canada with 30 finalists chosen. If you visit any Craft & Quilt Fair during 2014 you will be able to see the 30 finalists displayed.

The Winner was announced and for the first time ever, judges were unable to declare an outright Runner Up so split the prize between two people. $3,500.00 to the winner and $750.00 to each Runner-Up and $500.00 to Viewers' Choice.

Winning Quilt was by Alison Withers (Vic) with her quilt
"10 Together Equals Teamwork".
Alison said "In an ideal world a team can work as one for the common good. Looking like skittles about to topple, 10 men in the boat support each other to safely navigate past obstacles, known and unknown. United they maintain balance. The helmsman is well equipped for the adventure but can't pilot the voyage without the foundation and care of the team. 10 together can reach the dream.
Jill Hessing (Vic) was equal Runner-Up with her quilt 
"Ten in My Tank Today".
Jill said, "There's ten gorgeous fish in my fish tank today, but I get the feeling there may not be tomorrow!"
Rosemary Rush (NZ) was the other equal Runner-Up with her quilt "It's All About the Number".
Rosemary said, "This celebratory and joyful quilt design is based on the number 'ten' which is represented both in letters and numerals. The centre circle contains the word and then flowers either in part or outlined. (Look carefully!) The area around the circle is divided into ten parts. Each design element such as flowers or scrolls is represented ten times. The (part) edging flowers number ten, albeit in different sizes. Because all the tens needed to be viewed from the front and the correct way up, the design produced its challenges. It was fun to do!
Viewers' Choice was awarded to Sue de Vanny (Vic) for her amazing quilt "Tram Route No. 10".
Sue said, "In a contemporary city filled with modern people, art and culture, the visual of an old tram is the vintage gem to a young hub. AQC is celebrating its tenth year in a city that has certainly established itself with the iconic transport. Route No 10, although no longer operating, passed through Melbourne to the city's World Trade Centre ... the former venue for the Australasian Quilt Convention. Now as AQC celebrates its 10th year in the Royal Exhibition Buildings the quilt, 'Tram Route Number 10', ties AQC's past and present being 10 years of dedication to the art of quilting."

As you know from my past writings, I am from Melbourne, born, educated and worked there before moving to NSW when I was married.  I took the famous trams to and from MLC, Kew, every day and then every day of my working life in Melbourne CBD.  So many memories.

Think you have to agree these winners certainly deserved their awards. Aren't some people just too clever for words? I certainly hope you can see these in person during the year at any CQF as their detail is amazing.

More to follow.........

Friday 18 April 2014

AQC 2014 Orientation

The Australasian Quilt Convention (AQC) was held last week in Melbourne at the Royal Exhibition Buildings
in Carlton Gardens.
A magnificent heritage building for which I have very fond memories as the Royal Easter Show in Melbourne being held in this very building before it later moved to the Showgrounds; I attended every year as a child. (I now live in NSW and the RAS is currently being held in Sydney with our Royal Highness Prince William and Kate attending today)

Isn't the building magnificent?

What is the AQC?
AQC is Australia's largest event dedicated specifically to quilting and keen quilters from every State of Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia and some from South Africa attending. International tutors and the cream of Australia's exhibitors selling quilting products on their stands and offering workshops and hands-on classes presents quilters with opportunities to be involved on a number of levels.

Punch with Judy is a proud sponsor of the event and part of my involvement is to attend the Orientation morning before the show opens.

Gary Fitz-Roy, pictured here, welcomes everyone to the 10th AQC, a very proud achievement for him and his company Expertise Events. Those of us Exhibitors who have attended all of those 10 events were given a beautiful plaque commemorating and appreciating our achievement.
So, at 7.30am on Thursday morning, any of the 280 delegates who are up and about, attend the opening and I give away lots of prizes.

Lots of prizes, Esther is receiving hers, one of many recipients.

A fun morning!  To complete it on another high, John and I presented delegates with a little Travelling Sewing Kit as they departed for the day's classes.

Over the next few days I shall bring you the Cocktail Party and the Gala Dinner 
PLUS the winners of various sections and some quilts on show that appealed to me.  
Stay tuned!