Saturday, 31 December 2011

Last Days of 2011

As we near the end of 2011, we are most fortunate to be spending these days with our entire family.  Our three children and all our grandchildren are visiting for a few days.
We enjoyed a barbeque and sharing of gifts with much fun, laughter, jokes, teasing, sharing stories and recent experiences.  We discussed solutions to the Nation's problems but also appreciated gratitude for our well-being and togetherness as a family.
My apologies to Jasmine who was "behind" some of her cousins in this snap, but wanted to share our family with you.

The age of technology and what most grandchildren are brought up with as second nature to their daily lives.  Hunter (3) and Nick (17 tomorrow) share games on iPADS.

We have enjoyed walks, games, tending to animals, riding the quad bikes and trying to catch a Yabbie. "Midge" (a sheep I bottle-fed) delighted all by joining in accepting lots of attention and a few slices of bread.
Farmer John "conned" some into helping mark lambs!
Kirsten and Courtney had to catch them, pass them on to Rowan, John did the "nasties" and Ashleigh painted them with "medicine".  Hunter and I just watched - someone has to supervise and someone has to be the photographer!

I hope you enjoy reading my Happy New Year Newsletter including my Year in Review.  You may subscribe on my website.  More tomorrow as 2012 begins!
Don't Forget!  Our January 11th Website's Birthday Sale begins tomorrow!  A new special daily, so you must check each day and order each day, don't pop things into your Wish List.  Check here for full details.

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