Thursday 30 June 2011

Punch with Judy Banner

We have a new banner!  The NEW Punch with Judy banner was a landmark for our stand at last week's Craft & Quilt Fair.  We needed customers to be able to find us easily with the new floor plan and aisle configuration.  So, our new banner was flying high above our stand upon the balcony above.  Look for it at the next Show you attend.   Did you find it helpful if you were at the Darling Harbour Show in Sydney?
What wonderful talented young quilters we have!  It is great to see so many exhibiting at the shows so I thought you may like to see our upcoming stars of the future.  Two winners at The Quilters' Guild of NSW, Sydney Quilt Show 2011 were:
First Place in the Junior Member B Category (13-18) was awarded to Samara Flynn (17) for her "Minnie Waters Christmas Quilt". 
Samara said that she was inspired after participating in a workshop with Lorraine Carthew when in Year 8.  She created this Landscape artwork from a photo she took whilst on a family picnic at Minnie Water.  It features raw edge appliqué and free motion quilting.  Congratulations Samara!

Tegan Lawson is also 17 and she won the Bernina Junior Encouragement Award and Third Place in the Junior Member B (13-18) Category for her "Spinning Waterwheel Quilt". 
Why I was particularly drawn to this quilt was that Tegan used the Jewel Box Gems Ruler to create circular design to resemble a spinning wheel.  It is machine quilted.  I've been teaching the Jewel Box Gems Ruler in my current daily seminars on the show circuit.  Well done Tegan.

More to come............

Don't forget we'll be at the Melbourne Craft & Quilt Fair at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Southbank (affectionately known as "Jeff's Shed") from 28 - 31 July.  Stand A11.  Full details in my next Newsletter.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Katia Knitting Yarns

Last week I was exhibiting at the Craft & Quilt Fair held at Darling Harbour, Sydney.  This week I shall be reporting on some exciting features of the show and some of the Quilts. Stay tuned.

I started with knitting before the sewing came along, hence my excitement in new yarns that have been all the rage of recent shows this year.  I've purchased some absolutely awe-inspiring yarns from Brentwood Bears and wanted to share with you because only ONE ball will make each scarf and you may knit them up in no time.  Scarf Pattern is included with your yarn.  I'm knitting!!!! I know many can't attend major shows in Capital Cities, so this is for you!  Like the "new ME" on the right wearing my new scarf?   Many to choose from, but here are two I selected.

Visit Judy Martin's website if you would like more information or to purchase.  She is an absolutely delightful lady.

These are finished scarves that Judy has made; photos taken from her stand at Darling Harbour, with her kind permission.
Find those knitting needles folks and start knitting! 
Teach your children, grandchildren and your friends!!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Texture Magic/Krinkle Magic

We have been having loads of texturing fun with two products that shrink 30% when heat is applied resulting in a gorgeous crinkled effect in the fabric which may be changed with various stitching applications.  Either Texture Magic of Krinkle Magic may be used - so have a little fun and put some "pizzazz" into your projects!

Liz Anderson kindly gave me permission to share with you a scrumptious cushion she made using Krinkle Magic.  Liz said "I cut a square of Krinkle Magic two inches larger than I needed to allow for shrinkage; added a layer of pellon (thin batting) and topped it with a satin fabric.  Using the Walking Foot, I used a meandering machine stitch to sew rows about 1 1/2" apart both horizontally and vertically, thus forming a grid.  I steamed the fabric from the right side to shrink it all" (remember, you can't have the iron touch the fabric).
The flower was made using a machine embroidery disc called "Raising Flowers"from my Husqvarna Design range." Congratulations Liz, this looks tremendous and we are so grateful for your generosity in sharing it with us.

Now, another Liz, who works for me, tried some quilting designs from Jenny Haskins CD "3D Embroidery Magic" and we all agreed that having a layer of pellon sandwiched between the Krinkle Magic and the Fabric made all the difference.  Here's a photo with and without the pellon. 

Just love the puffy effect of the quilted design.  Has so many applications.  I shall be adding a tutorial later this week on my website of how to make three-dimensional flowers using Texture Magic and our Stencil Burner

"Ducks on the Pond" is a common phrase used in the country when the men are together, maybe in the shearing shed, as they notice a female approaching, referring to "watch the language, we have a lady in our prescence"!  However, this time, I literally mean "Ducks on the Pond" - well, dam, actually.  When walking today, there were literally hundreds of ducks on our dam - here they are in flight as I approached, disturbing them.  Note, there are as many left sitting on the banks and that's not counting the ones who'd already flown away. 

Also a lot of cranes - maybe Janny you could add a note if your husband recognizes them and can give us a proper name?  Can you see them scattered amongst the branches of the gum tree?  Note the beautiful sky today - and this is winter!

Drove down to The Rock this morning to pick up some groceries for the long weekend and there were umpteen dozen Vintage Cars along the main street on their way to somewhere for an outing for this Queen's Birthday Weekend.  Didn't have my camera but did have my mobile phone.  Note also the beautiful big trees that line the main road of our little township.  Also, the magnificent old building that used to be a pub in years gone by but is now a private residence and they've done a great job in restoration.  I believe inside is incredible, though never seen it myself. 

Enjoy the long weekend everyone and if you are in Brisbane, visit the Textile Art Festival and Scrapbooking Festival, both at the Brisbane Exhibition Convention Centre until 5pm on Monday.  Two Shows for the price of one.  John is on our Stand, Punch with Judy, on Stand 144.

Monday 6 June 2011

Texture Art Festival is on again!
C'mon and join in the fun. 
There's nothing like a circus to provide a feast of colours, costumes and carnival atmosphere - textile artists from across Australia had no shortage of inspiration with the 2011 Art U wear challenge theme Circus Berserkus. Exploring the rich culture of circus life, the exhibition spans brilliant and bizarre, glittering and glamorous, freakish and fearless costumes! You've got to check it out yourself!

If you have a passion for fibre, yarn and fabric, this festival is for you. Dedicated to textiles, you'll find ideas, inspiration and supplies for knitting, sewing, felting, embroidery and anything in textile art that you can imagine. The event will incorporate retailers specialising in textile art materials, live demonstrations of textile art techniques and short workshops where visitors can get hands-on.

Visit us on Stand 144 - John and Liz are doing the Show this year whilst I stay home since the June Long Weekend is always a get together for my family in honour of our dear Mother.

But wait, there's more!  Not only will you see the amazing Textile Art Festival but simultaneously, under the one roof for the very first time, but you may also visit the Scrapbook & Papercraft Expo & Convention in the hall next door. So, that's TWO GREAT SHOWS for ONE TICKET!
Textile Art Festival
June 11 - 13, 2011, Saturday to Monday
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Southbank
Open 9am to 5pm daily

REMINDER - Stands are smaller than normal Shows, so space & stock will be limited. 
Since it is a Textile Show, I shall be concentrating of products relevant for this special event. 
If you wish to have something especially brought to the Festival for collection, please email or order online before 4pm Monday 6th June - wouldn't like to disappoint you that I didn't have certain products.  Always like to help you save on postage, but please order TODAY!

Have to share some unusual news from the Farm this month.  Sheep are lambing, with lots of littlies baaaaing and playing, many twins, but look at these photos.  Quadruplets!!

Twas hard to get close enough to take a better photo without them fleeing.  Unusual for a "Mum" to be able to feed four.